Grow Planet

Game-based learning in STEAM
and Sustainable Development


The Game

In Grow Planet, the pupils control a character that will help the people in the gaming world towards different goals, such as starting a sustainable farm or producing different materials through recycling. Along the way, they get to learn about and practise mathematics, programming, and natural sciences. They may also engage in isolated exercises and quizzes in the various exercise rooms. They log onto the game using a personal six character token, and their progress may be followed here in the LMS.

You can view your pupils' login tokens by going to the class dashboard page and selecting the Pupils tab:

As a teacher, you also get a login token, which you can use to try out Grow Planet on your own. You will find it on the class page, under the Teachers heading, as well as on your profile page. Or you can just press the Start the game button at the top of the page.

The web version of the game can be found here and works in most browsers, although not in Safari. So if you use MacOS, we recommend that you start the game in another browser, such as Firefox.

Of course, the Android and IOS versions are also available.

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